November 1944
Një qeveri e re
The Communist Party of Albania comes to power immediately after the war. in 1948, the party changes its name to the Albanian Party of Labor (Partia e Punës e Shqipërisë, PPSh)
Aug 1960
Albania breaks with the soviet Union
Hoxha denounces the SU as anti-Stalinist.
Shqipëria dhe Kina
After Albania broke away from the Soviet Union, an alliance with China formed over the 1960s, which ended in 1978.
Details on image can be found here. Additional digitized posters on the Albanian-Chinese friendship from the collection of Leiden University and private collections and can be found on
February 6, 1967
New campaign against conservatism
Në vitin 1967 regjimi kommunist filloi nje fushatë të re të emancipimit të gruas. Kjo fushatë e kishte fokusin kundër ", zakoneve dhe pikëpamjeve konservatore, patriarkale feudale dhe borgjeze, besimeve fetare, kanunet mesjetare që kishin shërbyer si mjet për skallvërimin e gruas në të kaluarën"
The image is a banner celebrating Women’s Day in 1972 and reads: “The complete emancipation of women means a completely emancipated society”
December 1972
The 11th Festival of Song
The 11th Festival of Song takes place in Tirana on December 25-27, 1972.
January 1973
Letter of complaint
Zeri i Rinise (The Voice of Youth) published a letter of complaint about “revisionist behavior” exhibited in the festival.
June 26-27, 1973
Plenum IV of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, Tirana on June 26-27, 1973
Enver Hoxha’s address to Plenum IV of the Central Committee of the Party of Labour of Albania, held in Tirana on June 26-27, 1973. Hoxha denounces the festival and liberalism.
Hoxha’s address to the plenum was published in volume 52 of Enver Hoxha’s works. A digitized version of the volume is available here. Excerpts translated into English can be found on
Women’s emancipation official end
The 1976 Constitution declares the women’s emancipation campaign a success.
“Women enjoy equal rights with men at work, complensation, vacation time, social security, education, any social-political activity and within the family.“
Article 41 – Constitution of the Popular Socialist Republic of Albania
Nr.5506, Date 12.28.1976
Ramiz Alia succeeds Hoxha
Enver Hoxha dies on April 11, 1985. Ramiz Alia becomes his successor.
Student revolts
Albanian students begin a hunger strike that marks the end of the communist regime.